We use our iPhones for pretty much everything. We use them to find cheap gas prices, new restaurants to try out, to turn lights off in our homes, and as a coupon finder. These are all important to our lives but one other thing that is also important is our health. The app Swap It Don’t Stop It helps with this!
There are hundreds of health apps out there waiting to be discovered. There are ones that tell you different health recipes to cook instead of choosing the fast food path, ones that show you different exercises, and places where you can work out and even ones that take your body numbers such as weight and BMI to tell you exactly what you should be eating.
Swap It Don’t Stop It
One app in particular was developed in Australia. The name of it is Swap It Don’t Stop It.
Statistics show that around 61 percent of adult Australians are reportedly obese. So the Australian Government decided to create Swap It Don’t Stop It to help make healthier choices.
Although we are in the United States, this app can still be used as a guide for anyone on how to make better health choices and to let them know that it is attainable to begin new habits.
The Swap It Don’t Stop It app shows you how to pick better foods to eat throughout the day, add more exercise in your day, shows you smarter ways to shop for healthier foods and even how to save calories and join local exercise classes. Pretty much you are SWAPPING out the bad or less healthy choice for a better one.
Swap It Don’t Stop It pretty much does it all; and it is free on iPhone and iPad.
The website is also a helpful tool that can be used along with the app!
There are even links on the website that give you a 12 week planner and a brochure to get you on the right track to getting health and to make healthier choices.
Swap It Campaign 
Swap It Don’t Stop It is not just an app however, it is an entire campaign that is going on to get the people of Australia healthier.
The program promotes simple changes that can lead up to bigger ones. Such as how and what you eat and ways to incorporate exercise in your life when you can’t get to a gym.
The better eating is self explanatory but the main focus for the exercise portion is to decrease your waist measurement.
When you carry excess weight around your waistline you increase your risk of developing a lifestyle-related chronic disease such as type 2 diabetes, some cancers and heart disease.
The Swap It Don’t Stop It campaign highlights the fact you can ‘lose your belly without losing out on all the things you love’.
Key advice includes swapping big for small (portion control), often for sometimes (occasional treats), fried for fresh (nutritional quality), sitting for moving and watching for playing (physical activity).
The Swap It Don’t Stop It campaign has 4 underlying messages that they hope will empower people to do better for themselves.
1. Change can be easier than you think
2.You just have to swap some things around
3. Small changes can make a big difference
4. You don’t have to give up everything you love
This app will get you on the right track of being healthy in no time! The convenience of getting a meal planner, exercise finder, and shopping saver all in one is great!
Care Club definitely recommends Swap It Don’t Stop It to be checked out!