Hazards of Modern Whooping Cough Tests

Do you remember the false whooping cough epidemic at Dartmouth? The bizarre case resulted from a decision to use PCR, polymerase chain reaction, to test for whooping cough. Dartmouth University did n...
flu season

Flu Season Approaches: Get vaccinated

As we head into the flu season, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has different advice this year for the flu vaccine. Who should be vaccinated The government recommends a yearly inf...

Seven Most Common Cold Sore Triggers

Nothing ruins your day (or week, rather) like a cold sore (also known as a fever blister). Knowing your cold sore trigger(s) can help you get on the offensive against outbreaks. Seven Most Common Col...
E. coli

E. coli Outbreak in Sprouts ?

For the past week, the food industry has been getting some hard hits to its belt in the cleanliness department. There have been several cases of different types of foods getting call backs because of...

MERS: What You Should Know!

The cycle of new viruses that are exposed to the world does not ever end. Whether it shows up on a cruise ship or in a school, they are constantly being discovered. Just this month a new one was intr...
Prevent Norovirus

Prevent Norovirus: High School affected.

This past week, attendance numbers at Richardson High School were abnormal to say the least. The school of 2,550 students was affected by a day to day mystery that was making the number of students t...

Prevent the flu at home

As temperatures keep dropping, more and more people are getting sick with the flu. Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and your family from the flu this season. Aside from the usual washi...
Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C, what you need to know.

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that attacks the liver and causes it inflammation. Hepatitis C is one of several hepatitis viruses and is typically considered to be among the most serious of them. H...
Whooping Cough Vaccine

Whooping Cough Vaccine: Save Your Child

Why the Whooping Cough Vaccine? Get your child the whooping cough vaccine before it is too late. Studies show that in 2010 a whooping cough breakout occurred in part because of parents not vaccinatin...